Blend mode |
Result |
Normal |
Displays pixels of underlying layers based on the opacity of pixels on the selected layer. If data is fully opaque, no pixels show through. |
Darken |
Displays pixels in the selected layer that are darker than the underlying layers. |
Lighten |
Displays pixels in the selected layer that are lighter than the underlying layers. |
Hue |
Applies the hue of the selected layer (without changing the saturation or lightness) |
Hue |
This blend mode was first introduced in version 5 of PSP, and functions similarly to the hue blend mode. |
Saturation |
Applies the saturation of the selected layer to the underlying layers (without effecting the the hue or lightness) |
Saturation |
This Blend mode was first introduced in PSP 5, and functions similarly to the saturation blend mode. |
Color |
Applies the Hue and saturation of the selected layer to the underlying layers (without effecting the lightness) |
Luminance |
Applies the luminance (or lightness) of the selected layer to the underlying layers, without affecting the hue of saturation |
Multiply |
Combines the colors of the selected layer with the underlying layers to produce a darker color. |
Screen |
Lightens the color of underlying layer by multiplying the inverse of the selected and underlying layers. |
Dissolve |
Randomly replace the color of some pixels on the selected layer with those of the underlying layers to create a speckled effect. |
Overlay |
Combines the Multiply and Screen Blend Modes. |
Hard light |
Combines the Multiple and Screen blend modes. |
Soft Light |
Combines the Burn and Dodges blend modes. |
Difference |
Subtracts the selected layer's color from the color of the underlying layers. |
Dodge |
Lightens the image by having the lightness value of the colors in the selected layer lighten the colors of the underlying layers. |
Burn |
Darkens the image by having the lightness values of the selected layer reduce the lightness of underlying layers. |
Exclusion |
Creates an effect similar to, but softer then the Difference blend mode. |